Massage Cupping

Cupping is a safe, traditional treatment that helps resolve chronic muscle tightness and pain faster than massage therapy alone.

From Olympic athletes to pregnant pop-stars, people are rediscovering the benefits of cupping. Maybe you’ve even seen people at your gym or swimming pool with those tell-tale red circles on their backs and shoulders.

It’s becoming more common for people to request cupping to relieve chronic muscle soreness. But did you know that cupping can be used to treat many other complaints?

Why use
Massage Cupping?

Cupping increases circulation

The suction from the cups increases circulation to the area where the cups are placed. The additional blood flow to that area can help relieve muscle tension and promote cell repair. Increasing circulation with cupping also helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Cupping encourages tissues to release toxins

Yes, you do have organs that remove toxins from your blood. But the modern lifestyle overloads your body with toxins. Cupping gives your body a boost in releasing those toxins. Focused blood flow helps your body by flushing built-up toxins through the lymphatic system. (Your lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating your body’s toxins and waste.)

Cupping reduces anxiety

When your therapist glides the cups across your skin, your parasympathetic nervous system engages. This promotes deep relaxation to move through your entire body. (Your parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for slowing your heart rate, assisting in digestion, and increasing intestinal and gland activity.)

Cupping can reduce stretch marks and scars

Increased blood flow enables your body to dispose of toxins, restores lymphatic circulation, and helps remove edema (excess fluid), which helps reduce the appearance of scarring. Studies have shown the positive effects of cupping on stretch marks and scars even in areas that are far from the area where the cups are applied.

Cupping can improve varicose veins and spider veins

Varicose veins look like bulging, bluish veins just under your skin, usually on legs and feet. They happen when the valves inside the vein aren’t working properly—the valves don’t effectively push the blood from the muscle back to the heart, so the blood congests and the veins twist and bulge. Cupping helps by bringing fresh blood flow and oxygen back to the problem areas. You’ll notice your varicose veins appear lighter after your first session, though it will take a series of cupping sessions for lasting results.

We strive to help our patients and enjoy what we do. At Hijama house, we work with those who enter our doors to achieve the fastest pain relief possible. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, contact our office so that we can help you achieve the level of relief that you deserve.

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    Committed To


    Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body.

    Wet Cupping

    Wet cupping creates a mild suction by leaving a cup in place for about 3 minutes. The therapist then removes the cup and uses a small scalpel to make light, tiny cuts on your skin.

    Dry Cupping

    a plastic or glass cup is placed on the skin, then the air inside the cup is suctioned or vacuumed out. The cups can be used at rest or with movement and application time usually ranges from five to 10 minutes.

    Herbal Medicine

    Herbal medicines are those with active ingredients made from plant parts, such as leaves, roots or flowers.

    Hijama House

    A team of doctors working to ensure you receive the best treatment.

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